Creative Crafting Uncles: Challenge #01 - Car(s)           


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Wednesday, 15 January 2020

Challenge #01 - Car(s)

Hello crafting world and craft bloggers!

Today is a special day because we will start our first challenge here at

Creative Crafting Uncles.

Just a few things before we get started.

We are a "masculine" challenge which means your project has to be crafted with our theme and styled masculine, too! You may create any type of crafted item you would like to, just as long as you follow the theme of the month. Our challenge will start always on 15th of the month and run until 14th of next month. The following 1st we will announce our winners! Please click on the "Rules" tab at the top for all other rules.

We will have our Top 3 and DT favorites for each challenge. As a Top3 or DT favorite you can catch a badge for your blog.
Furthermore we will a have a DT voted winner who will receive a badge for his blog an a gift certificate of 10,00 GBP / USD for the shop of our sponsor.The winner can call himself as 'Uncle of the month'. To be fair you can decide which winner badge you will show on your blog (normal winner or uncle of the month).

And for all who not already saw who our sponsor is....

Thanks again to
Swedish Housecrafts
Shop                 SHC Blog

Now coming back to the challenge! Our theme this month will be:

Please keep in mind to held your project masculine.

Here are the inspiration projects from the uncles






We would love to have you play along!
Please be sure to check out our rules in the "Rules" tab on the top to play along.

Crafty greetings
Your creative uncles!


  1. Hi guys,
    congrats to your first challenge! Good luck and many creative years together. And what awesome creations... WooooHoooo!!!! I really love them all.

    I want to invite you to visit my special challenge at DAK “The Australian challenge”. Please play with us and have fun:

    Hugs and lovely greetings
    Kleido’s BastelStüble
    *Owner* Do-Al(l) Kreatives
    *List Manager* Challenges for Days

  2. Hello Alex and friends, I wish you good luck with your blog!
    Love Caroline

  3. Congratulations on your new challenge blog! Fantastic inspiration!

  4. Congrats on your new challenge. Fun makes from the uncles. Hugz

  5. Hi Guys,
    So nice to have challenges from and for men! Wonderful team and your cards are so beautiful! I wish you good luck and I hope to join you soon in the challenge!

  6. Hi Guys, thanks for the great challenge! Such wonderful creations from the Design Team, hugs Zowie!

  7. Wat een leuk idee mannen voor mannen.Ga vast een keer meedoen want ons gezin bestaat uit vier mannen dus daar komt vast wel een keer een kaartje uit.
    Succes met jullie blog.
    groetjes Marjan.

  8. Hi Creativecraftinguncles,

    Love your challengeblog and The DT makes are Awsome .

    Goodluck with the new blog and I`m gonna make a Masculine card so I can join in .
    Have a Great weekend
    Hugs and Creativity

  9. What a great idea to start a masculine challengeblog!
    Great inspiration cards for the first challenge.
    Good luck!

  10. Succes met jullie blog!
    Ik ben via GerJanne hier terechtgekomen.
    Is mijn ''auto'' auto genoeg om mee te mogen doen....haha!
    Groetjes Diny

  11. Waar een leuk idee, en blog voor mannen.
    En uitdaging, die ik graag aanga, dus volger geworden.
    Succes en ik ga me vandaag eens verdiepen in een kaartje....
    Groetjes, Daphne.

  12. I hate I missed your first challenge! Just found you on Paper Playful.


as everyone I am happy that you take your time to leave us some lovely and kind comments. Please keep in mind that you accept the conditions of GDPR. Details you will find in my Privacy Policy Notice.

Crafty greetings