Creative Crafting Uncles: Sponsoren 2024           


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Saturday 30 December 2023

Sponsoren 2024


Hello everyone,
tomorrow we will say good bye to this year. To be honest I am glad when it has been gone! This year was full of pain for me... I want again say good bye to:

My little furr baby Sammy (17 years old Carthusian).
My dear friend Anthony.
My Grandpa in law Sepp.
and... to my dad who died on 24.11.23, my birthday.

But the earth keeps turning and life goes on.

Let us welcome our fabulous sponsors for 2024


Crafty greetings, stay safe and healthy!


  1. So sorry to hear this was a rough year to get through as the Holidays are not always a time of cheer for everyone. Thank you for keeping the challenges and craft going through it all. Hoping doing this has helped bring you a bit of peace.

  2. So sorry, RIP to all dear one you have lost this year. Enjoy life, every day you have left! Happy new year 2024!

  3. In DO hope 2024 is a wonderful year for you! That is a lot of pain! It will not go away, but every day will get a little easier.

  4. Sorry for your lost. I wish you super start in 2024 and lots of happiness.

  5. Wat een heftig jaar was het voor je.
    Wens je een goede start voor het nieuwe jaar.
    Veel sterkte en kracht.
    Groetjes Elle-Jeanne

  6. Ja, manchmal kann das Leben sehr bitter sein. Tut mir aufrichtig leid für den Verlust Deiner geliebten Menschen und dem Samtpfötchen. Soviel in einem Jahr, ist wirklich hart hinzunehmen!! Möge das Jahr 2024 sich von einer schöneren Seite zeigen!! LG, Rosi
    Dream Factory

  7. Sounds like a really tough year Alex. Sorry for all your losses. I hope 2024 is a healing and happy year for you. Happy 2024 everyone. HUGZ


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Crafty greetings